English Website Is Down But Coming Back Soon! Und Noch Mehr Interessante Neuigkeiten Im Kommen!

The English Website is down for a short time since I’m changing to a better, faster and superior server! Sorry for the inconvenience. I hope the move will be shortly as possible. Please stay tuned and come back soon.

You can also see all post here in German, but mostly you can still understand since they are videos or pictures.

Get ready for better, more interesting and great posts on afrison.com which will change to notaniche.com!

Also, I’m working on a very exciting project with two other WordPress experts together, which will be out very soon, you won’t be disappointed!

Sorry für den englischen Beitrag, aber da ich mit der englischen Webseite auf einen anderen Server umziehe kommt es zu kurzen Unterbrechungen, die sich hoffentlich bald wieder legen werden. 🙂

Zur Zeit arbeite ich auch an einem sehr interessanten Gemeinschaftsprojekt, das bald online geht und euch hoffentlich gefallen wird. Daher hatte ich leider keine Zeit die letzten Tage neue Beiträge zu schreiben. Aber eine ellenlange Liste von tollen und informativen Beiträgen warten nur darauf online zu gehen. Freu mich schon drauf!

10 Leser haben geniale Kommentare hinterlassen

  1. avatar #1 - Taylor Says:

    Thanks for the update. That website is great. Seem as if some thing exciting yet to come. Wish you all the best and hope the site will be up and running soon. 🙂

  2. avatar #2 - Alex Says:

    Thank you Taylor. The exciting thing yet to come will announce when the domain transfer of my domain is finished, which should hopefully be by the end of the week. I hope everything go smooth and will be finally completed by then. 🙂

  3. avatar #3 - Earn money online Says:

    Good luck for the updated site. I will be waiting for it. I hope to see your new things soon.

  4. avatar #4 - rinsAssulpsiz Says:

    How i may contact the administrator of a site? I have a question.

  5. avatar #5 - Pontus Ekenberg Says:

    I hope your site soon will come up again.

  6. avatar #6 - Dainis Graveris Says:

    Good luck!!! I wish You the best, can’t wait to see You back again!

  7. avatar #7 - Alex Says:

    @Dainis, Pontus, Earn money online, thanks for your wishes, those domain transfers takes ages, but hopefully I will be up and running by this weekend. And maybe with the new website design, will see how that goes.

    @rinsAssulpsiz, you can contact me via the Kontakt Link on the top of the page
    @Stuart, I did already and will use it for the future, nice website. Thanks 🙂

  8. avatar #8 - Yuen Says:

    I’ll Google Translate with this site 🙂

  9. avatar #9 - Alex Says:

    @yuen, not long to wait though, hope I will be online again on Monday. 🙂

  10. avatar #10 - Maik@Umzugsfirma Says:

    Guter Beitrag, Dein Blog ist absolut weitzuempfehlen. Dankeschön 🙂

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